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Interface VideoObject



[key: string]: any



Optional aCoords

aCoords: { bl: Point; br: Point; tl: Point; tr: Point } | undefined

Describe object's corner position in canvas object absolute coordinates properties are tl,tr,bl,br and describe the four main corner. each property is an object with x, y, instance of Fabric.Point. The coordinates depends from this properties: width, height, scaleX, scaleY skewX, skewY, angle, strokeWidth, top, left. Those coordinates are usefull to understand where an object is. They get updated with oCoords but they do not need to be updated when zoom or panning change. The coordinates get updated with @method setCoords. You can calculate them without updating with @method calcCoords(true);



Optional absolutePositioned

absolutePositioned: boolean | undefined

Meaningful ONLY when the object is used as clipPath. if true, the clipPath will have its top and left relative to canvas, and will not be influenced by the object transform. This will make the clipPath relative to the canvas, but clipping just a particular object. WARNING this is beta, this feature may change or be renamed. since 2.4.0



Optional angle

angle: number | undefined

Angle of rotation of an object (in degrees)

Optional animating

animating: boolean

Is running animation

Optional animation

Animation property

Optional anime

anime: AnimeInstance

Anime instance

Optional backgroundColor

backgroundColor: string | undefined

Background color of an object. Only works with text objects at the moment.

Optional borderColor

borderColor: string | undefined

Color of controlling borders of an object (when it's active)

Optional borderDashArray

borderDashArray: number[] | undefined

Array specifying dash pattern of an object's border (hasBorder must be true)

Optional borderOpacityWhenMoving

borderOpacityWhenMoving: number | undefined

Opacity of object's controlling borders when object is active and moving

Optional borderScaleFactor

borderScaleFactor: number | undefined

Scale factor of object's controlling borders

Optional cacheProperties

cacheProperties: string[] | undefined

List of properties to consider when checking if cache needs refresh Those properties are checked by statefullCache ON ( or lazy mode if we want ) or from single calls to Object.set(key, value). If the key is in this list, the object is marked as dirty and refreshed at the next render

Optional canvas

canvas: Canvas | undefined

The canvas the object belongs to

Optional centeredRotation

centeredRotation: boolean | undefined

When true, this object will use center point as the origin of transformation when being rotated via the controls. Backwards incompatibility note: This property replaces "centerTransform" (Boolean).

Optional centeredScaling

centeredScaling: boolean | undefined

When true, this object will use center point as the origin of transformation when being scaled via the controls. Backwards incompatibility note: This property replaces "centerTransform" (Boolean).

Optional class

class: string

Object class

Optional clickable

clickable: boolean

Whether it can be clicked

Optional clipPath

clipPath: Object | undefined

A fabricObject that, without stroke define a clipping area with their shape. filled in black the clipPath object gets used when the object has rendered, and the context is placed in the center of the object cacheCanvas. If you want 0,0 of a clipPath to align with an object center, use clipPath.originX/Y to 'center'

Optional cloneable

cloneable: boolean

Is possible clone


container: HTMLDivElement

Wrapped Element

Optional cornerColor

cornerColor: string | undefined

Color of controlling corners of an object (when it's active)

Optional cornerDashArray

cornerDashArray: number[] | undefined

Array specifying dash pattern of an object's control (hasBorder must be true)

Optional cornerSize

cornerSize: number | undefined

Size of object's controlling corners (in pixels)

Optional cornerStrokeColor

cornerStrokeColor: string | undefined

Color of controlling corners of an object (when it's active and transparentCorners false)

Optional cornerStyle

cornerStyle: "rect" | "circle" | undefined

Specify style of control, 'rect' or 'circle'

Optional data

data: any

Not used by fabric, just for convenience

Optional dblclick

dblclick: boolean

Is enable double click

Optional deletable

deletable: boolean

Is possible delete

Optional description

description: string

Optional dirty

dirty: boolean | undefined

When set to true, object's cache will be rerendered next render call.

Optional editable

editable: boolean

Object editable


element: HTMLDivElement

Target Element

Optional evented

evented: boolean | undefined

When set to false, an object can not be a target of events. All events propagate through it. Introduced in v1.3.4

Optional excludeFromExport

excludeFromExport: boolean | undefined

When true, object is not exported in OBJECT/JSON since 1.6.3


Optional file

file: File

Optional fill

fill: string | Pattern | Gradient | undefined

Color of object's fill

Optional fillRule

fillRule: string | undefined

Fill rule used to fill an object accepted values are nonzero, evenodd Backwards incompatibility note: This property was used for setting globalCompositeOperation until v1.4.12, use globalCompositeOperation instead

Optional flipX

flipX: boolean | undefined

When true, an object is rendered as flipped horizontally

Optional flipY

flipY: boolean | undefined

When true, an object is rendered as flipped vertically

Optional globalCompositeOperation

globalCompositeOperation: string | undefined

Composite rule used for canvas globalCompositeOperation

Optional group

group: Group | undefined

The group the object is part of

Optional hasBorders

hasBorders: boolean | undefined

When set to false, object's controlling borders are not rendered

Optional hasControls

hasControls: boolean | undefined

When set to false, object's controls are not displayed and can not be used to manipulate object

Optional hasRotatingPoint

hasRotatingPoint: boolean | undefined

When set to false, object's controlling rotating point will not be visible or selectable

Optional height

height: number | undefined

Object height

Optional hoverCursor

hoverCursor: string | undefined

Default cursor value used when hovering over this object on canvas

Optional id

id: string

Object id

Optional includeDefaultValues

includeDefaultValues: boolean | undefined

When false, default object's values are not included in its serialization

Optional inverted

inverted: boolean | undefined

Meaningful ONLY when the object is used as clipPath. if true, the clipPath will make the object clip to the outside of the clipPath since 2.4.0



Optional left

left: number | undefined

Left position of an object. Note that by default it's relative to object center. You can change this by setting originX={left/center/right}

Optional link

Link property

Optional lockMovementX

lockMovementX: boolean | undefined

When true, object horizontal movement is locked

Optional lockMovementY

lockMovementY: boolean | undefined

When true, object vertical movement is locked

Optional lockRotation

lockRotation: boolean | undefined

When true, object rotation is locked

Optional lockScalingFlip

lockScalingFlip: boolean | undefined

When true, object cannot be flipped by scaling into negative values

Optional lockScalingX

lockScalingX: boolean | undefined

When true, object horizontal scaling is locked

Optional lockScalingY

lockScalingY: boolean | undefined

When true, object vertical scaling is locked

Optional lockSkewingX

lockSkewingX: boolean | undefined

When true, object horizontal skewing is locked

Optional lockSkewingY

lockSkewingY: boolean | undefined

When true, object vertical skewing is locked

Optional lockUniScaling

lockUniScaling: boolean | undefined

When true, object non-uniform scaling is locked

Optional locked

locked: boolean

Is locked object

Optional matrixCache

matrixCache: any

storage for object full transform matrix

Optional minScaleLimit

minScaleLimit: number | undefined

Minimum allowed scale value of an object

Optional moveCursor

moveCursor: string | undefined

Default cursor value used when moving an object on canvas

Optional name

name: string | undefined

Not used by fabric, just for convenience

Optional noScaleCache

noScaleCache: boolean | undefined

When true, cache does not get updated during scaling. The picture will get blocky if scaled too much and will be redrawn with correct details at the end of scaling. this setting is performance and application dependant. default to true since 1.7.0

Optional oCoords

oCoords: { bl: Point; br: Point; mb: Point; ml: Point; mr: Point; mt: Point; mtr: Point; tl: Point; tr: Point } | undefined

Describe object's corner position in canvas element coordinates. properties are tl,mt,tr,ml,mr,bl,mb,br,mtr for the main controls. each property is an object with x, y and corner. The corner property contains in a similar manner the 4 points of the interactive area of the corner. The coordinates depends from this properties: width, height, scaleX, scaleY skewX, skewY, angle, strokeWidth, viewportTransform, top, left, padding. The coordinates get updated with @method setCoords. You can calculate them without updating with @method calcCoords;



Optional objectCaching

objectCaching: boolean | undefined

When true, object is cached on an additional canvas.

Optional opacity

opacity: number | undefined

Opacity of an object

Optional originAngle

originAngle: number

Original angle

Optional originFill

originFill: string | Pattern | Gradient

Original fill color

Optional originLeft

originLeft: number

Original left position

Optional originOpacity

originOpacity: number

Original opacity

Optional originRotation

originRotation: number

Original rotation

Optional originScaleX

originScaleX: number

Original scale X

Optional originScaleY

originScaleY: number

Original scale Y

Optional originStroke

originStroke: string

Original stroke color

Optional originTop

originTop: number

Original top position

Optional originX

originX: string | undefined

Horizontal origin of transformation of an object (one of "left", "right", "center")

Optional originY

originY: string | undefined

Vertical origin of transformation of an object (one of "top", "bottom", "center")

Optional ownMatrixCache

ownMatrixCache: any

storage for object transform matrix

Optional padding

padding: number | undefined

Padding between object and its controlling borders (in pixels)

Optional paintFirst

paintFirst: string | undefined

Determines if the fill or the stroke is drawn first (one of "fill" or "stroke")

Optional parentId

parentId: string

Parent object id

Optional perPixelTargetFind

perPixelTargetFind: boolean | undefined

When set to true, objects are "found" on canvas on per-pixel basis rather than according to bounding box

Optional player

player: any

Optional rotatingPointOffset

rotatingPointOffset: number | undefined

Offset for object's controlling rotating point (when enabled via hasRotatingPoint)

Optional rotation

rotation: number

This property replaces "angle"

Optional rx

rx: number | undefined

Horizontal border radius

Optional ry

ry: number | undefined

Vertical border radius

Optional scaleX

scaleX: number | undefined

Object scale factor (horizontal)

Optional scaleY

scaleY: number | undefined

Object scale factor (vertical)

Optional selectable

selectable: boolean | undefined

When set to false, an object can not be selected for modification (using either point-click-based or group-based selection). But events still fire on it.

Optional selectionBackgroundColor

selectionBackgroundColor: string | undefined

Selection Background color of an object. colored layer behind the object when it is active. does not mix good with globalCompositeOperation methods.


setFile: (file: File) => void

Type declaration

    • (file: File): void
    • Parameters

      • file: File

      Returns void


setSource: (source: string | File) => void

Type declaration

    • (source: string | File): void
    • Parameters

      • source: string | File

      Returns void


setSrc: (src: string) => void

Type declaration

    • (src: string): void
    • Parameters

      • src: string

      Returns void

Optional shadow

shadow: Shadow | string | undefined

Shadow object representing shadow of this shape

Optional skewX

skewX: number | undefined

Object skew factor (horizontal)

Optional skewY

skewY: number | undefined

Object skew factor (vertical)

Optional snapAngle

snapAngle: number | undefined

Indicates the angle that an object will lock to while rotating. Can get from canvas.

Optional snapThreshold

snapThreshold: null | number | undefined

Indicates the distance from the snapAngle the rotation will lock to the snapAngle. Can get from canvas.

Optional src

src: string

Optional stateProperties

stateProperties: string[] | undefined

List of properties to consider when checking if state of an object is changed (fabric.Object#hasStateChanged) as well as for history (undo/redo) purposes

Optional statefullCache

statefullCache: boolean | undefined

When true, object properties are checked for cache invalidation. In some particular situation you may want this to be disabled ( spray brush, very big, groups) or if your application does not allow you to modify properties for groups child you want to disable it for groups. default to false since 1.7.0



Optional stroke

stroke: string | undefined

When defined, an object is rendered via stroke and this property specifies its color

Optional strokeDashArray

strokeDashArray: number[] | undefined

Array specifying dash pattern of an object's stroke (stroke must be defined)

Optional strokeDashOffset

strokeDashOffset: number | undefined

Line offset of an object's stroke


Optional strokeLineCap

strokeLineCap: string | undefined

Line endings style of an object's stroke (one of "butt", "round", "square")

Optional strokeLineJoin

strokeLineJoin: string | undefined

Corner style of an object's stroke (one of "bevil", "round", "miter")

Optional strokeMiterLimit

strokeMiterLimit: number | undefined

Maximum miter length (used for strokeLineJoin = "miter") of an object's stroke

Optional strokeUniform

strokeUniform: boolean | undefined

When false, the stoke width will scale with the object. When true, the stroke will always match the exact pixel size entered for stroke width. default to false





Optional strokeWidth

strokeWidth: number | undefined

Width of a stroke used to render this object

Optional superType

superType: string

Object Super type

Optional tooltip

Tooltip property

Optional top

top: number | undefined

Top position of an object. Note that by default it's relative to object center. You can change this by setting originY={top/center/bottom}

Optional transparentCorners

transparentCorners: boolean | undefined

When true, object's controlling corners are rendered as transparent inside (i.e. stroke instead of fill)

Optional type

type: string | undefined

Type of an object (rect, circle, path, etc.). Note that this property is meant to be read-only and not meant to be modified. If you modify, certain parts of Fabric (such as JSON loading) won't work correctly.

Optional videoElement

videoElement: HTMLVideoElement

Optional visible

visible: boolean | undefined

When set to false, an object is not rendered on canvas

Optional width

width: number | undefined

Object width

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